Church Bells
The tower has provision for three bells but a tenor that was sent to be recast never returned; the two which remain date from 1560/70 and 1632. In 1962 this bell was hung for swing chiming and the older bell was placed on the church floor.
The Registers start with marriages and burials in 1540 – shortly after the Crown took the church from Kenilworth Priory.
Extensive reconstruction work took place in the 18th century when the south aisle was removed and the small vestry (which incorporates many of the Southam memorial stones) was built. This work gave the Church the Georgian character that remains evident today. In 1923 the Kendall family paid for further major work which included the removal of the gallery from the West end and also the flat nave ceiling (which was replaced in 1953). In 1930 a stove replaced oil lamps for heating the Church and in 1938 electric lighting was installed. The small pipe organ was a gift from Styvechale Church, Coventry in 1947.
Church Restoration 2013
The major work necessary to restore St Nicholas church to its former glory has now been completed. A special service of dedication will be held at 3.30pm on Sunday 6th October 2013, when it is hoped that everyone that has contributed to the appeal fund will attend and inspect the repairs their donations have made possible.
Six Parishes Church Services
For details of this month’s Church services, please view the downloads section below.
The Church has adopted the Safeguarding Policy of the Church of England. Details of who to contact in case of need are displayed on the notice board in the church.