There has been a school in the village of Loxley since the 1840s and on the present site since 1874. The collaboration between school, village and wider locality remains as strong as ever, with many exciting community events organised throughout the year, from the ever-popular Loxley Fireworks and Bonfire Night to the annual Strawberry Fair.

Loxley Primary School is a Church of England school and, as such, works in close partnership with our parish church of St Nicholas in its mission to equip all its children with essential values for life, whatever their faith or background.

Officially the smallest primary school in Warwickshire, the dedicated team of staff nurture all children in their care as unique and precious individuals.  The children learn together in small, mixed aged classes, allowing the flexibility for individuals to progress at their own pace. The school offers unparalleled ratios of adult-child support, within a curriculum which is rich, broad, inspiring and constantly-evolving as it is tailored towards children’s interests.  Through exciting and memorable learning experiences, offered within a safe, happy and inclusive environment, the children at Loxley C of E Community Primary School are empowered to flourish in every way possible – emotionally, socially, morally, academically and spiritually.

Come and see us in action by telephoning 01789 840211 to make an appointment or by emailing

You can also find out more about our lovely, village school by visiting the main school website:

Mrs Emma Barrick, Head of School